Amplitude modulation is a method of sending information by modifying the intensity of a carrier wave.
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FM stands for frequency modulation, a method used to encode information on a carrier wave by varying the frequency of the wave. This modulation technique is commonly used in radio broadcasting to transmit audio signals. FM is known for its high fidelity and resistance to noise compared to other modulation schemes like AM (amplitude modulation).
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AM - Amplitude Modulation FM - Frequency Modulation
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frequency modulation..
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due to velocity modulation density modulation occurs in TWT
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The difference between frequency modulation and phase modulation is that with frequency modulation the angular frequency of the signal is modified while with the phase modulation, the phase angle of the signal is modified.
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the modulation system is of FM
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Frequency modulation Phase modulation
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i dont know ans. of this.
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QAM is a combination of phase modulation & amplitude modulation.
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Modulation index is also called as Modulation depth. The modulation index of a modulation scheme describes by how much the modulated variable of the carrier signal varies around its unmodulated level.
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Collector modulation is the amplitude modulation in which modulator varies the collector voltage of a transistor.
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presentation of analog digital hybrid modulation
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angle modulation is called non linear modulation because the information is stored in phase of the carrier signal
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The range of modulation index in amplitude modulation (AM) is typically between 0 and 1. A modulation index of 0 indicates no modulation, while a modulation index of 1 represents full modulation where the carrier signal amplitude varies from zero to peak value.
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The difference between pulse code modulation and delta modulation is that pulse code modulation is a method of encoding audio information digitally while delta modulation is a method that converts analog to digital signal.
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Source modulation in atomic absorption spectroscopy is used to enhance sensitivity and reduce background noise. By modulating the lamp intensity at a specific frequency, it becomes easier to distinguish the absorption signal from the baseline noise, leading to better detection limits and accuracy in the analysis.
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FM means frequency modulation AM means amplitude modulation
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Modulation Index is the ratio of the maximum deviation frequency to the frequency of modulation. In other words it is the ratio of the spread in frequency spectrum to the frequency that was used to modulate the carrier.
For FM,
modulation index is given by the formula
mf= df/f
mf=modulation index for FM
df=difference in carrier frequency
f=frequency of the signal
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a measure of the degree of frequency modulation expressed numerically for a pure tone modulation as the ratio of the frequency deviation to the frequency of the modulating signal.
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1)digital modulation can easily detect and correct the noise. where as analog modulation has little complexity 2)security is more in digital modulation 3)digital modulated signal can traverse a long distance compared to analog modulation
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1)digital modulation can easily detect and correct the noise. where as analog modulation has little complexity 2)security is more in digital modulation 3)digital modulated signal can traverse a long distance compared to analog modulation
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In amplitude modulation, modulation depth refers to the ratio of the unmodulated carrier amplitude to the amplitude deviation for which the modulated carrier wave reaches its minimum value. If this minimum value is zero, the modulation depth is 100%.
For amplitude modulation,modulation depth = (a-b)/(a+b),
wherea is the unmodulated carrier amplitude, and
b is the minimum amplitude deviation.
The modulation depth ratio is also referred to as the modulation index.
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In high power AM transmission, modulation is done at
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Normal frequency range for amplitude modulation is 550kHz to 1610kHz
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the highest modulation coefficient is one (1) and percent modulation is 100
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FM means Frequency Modulated.
FM stands for modulation on frequency or frequency modulation.
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Analog modulation
In analog modulation, the modulation is applied continuously in response to the analog information signal.
Common analog modulation techniques are:
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Explain why modulation is necessary or desirable.
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Frequency modulation and Phase modulation
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Frequency modulation have some advantages over amplitude modulation, FM is not sensitive to the amplitude noise, and have high efficient use of transmitted power
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"Base band", meaning that no modulation is used.
"Base band", meaning that no modulation is used.
"Base band", meaning that no modulation is used.
"Base band", meaning that no modulation is used.
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Methods of amplitude modulation can be put in the two categories namely Linear modulation methods and Square law modulation methods. Linear modulation method utilizes the linear region of the current voltage characteristics of the amplifying device that is transistor or electron tube. Square law modulation method utilizes the square law region of some current voltage characteristics of a diode or transistor or electron tube. A large number of linear modulation methods have been devised and have been used to varying degree. These methods are namely linear shunt plate modulation or anode choke modulation, linear series plate modulation, grid bias modulation, cathode modulation, suppressor grid modulation, screen grid modulation, collector modulation.
Square law modulation circuits make use of non linear current voltage characteristics of diodes or triodes and are in general suited for use at low voltages. Important square law modulation methods are square law diode modulation and balanced modulator.
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Adaptive delta modulation is used in audio communication systems to avoid the two drawback of delta modulation.
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space vector modulation id an algorithm of the control of the control of pulse width modulation
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I think it is Frequency Modulation with Phase modulation which it the most bandwidth efficient
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Frequency Modulation _____________________________________________________________________ fayetville-manlius
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The abbreviation for frequency modulation is FM.
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